Friday, March 6, 2009

Monthly report - Feb

Sweden is beautiful, simply beautiful. I was walking around in the forest yesterday, and even though a lot of the trees are bare, they still manage to look stunning. After it snows, and the snow starts to melt; the water falls off the rocks next to the paths and as it’s coming down, it freezes again. Until it’s all fully frozen again. It looks amazing.

During language camp at Vimmerby, the exchange students had a blast! I learnt a bit of Swedish, but I have a lot of notes from what we learnt. We also got about 15-20cms of snow and all the exchange students had a massive snowball fight against each other and a couple of the teachers.

I’m living with the Arveståhl family and they are an incredible family, they’re so caring, and they listen to what I have to say. (Plus I get big hugs when we say goodnight J) My host club is still trying to find me a second host family. But they don’t want me to change before 3 months and I wouldn’t mind staying here for a while longer. I have been to one Rotary meeting so far, and I was planning to go to some more, but I wasn’t able to. I’m planning to go every week.

In school the subjects I participate in include: English, Swedish, maths, sport, multimedia and art.

I was in some other subjects but the ‘tutorial’ teacher took me out of them because I wouldn’t understand anything, especially as the class has been studying in for 6 months and are only starting to get the hang of it now. I am also now in my own Swedish lessons, and they started this week. But they’re very fun.

I have joined the Mölndal Rover group. They’re a pretty lively bunch, and we have lots of fun. We’re currently decorating and making our own group scarves. The meetings are every Saturday or Sunday. After this weekend I will have been to two meetings.

The Swedish language is really hard to learn, but I’m doing my best. When I’m listening to a conversation sometimes I will pick up the odd few words or so that I recognize. I can also have a very quick conversation (Hi, how are you?) and I know the basics, (please and thank-you) and I’m going pretty well with the numbers. If I get people to slow down what they’re saying, sometimes I can try and work out what they’re saying. Sometimes I’m right on the money, other times, not so much. But it’s always fun.

Last weekend we had a Swedish food and Bath weekend near Borås. It was a very…different experience. Definitely something I’ll remember for a long time. I met all the other Rotary exchange students who are living in my district at the moment (mainly from the US and Canada). And we didn’t go to bed until about 4am. But we had loads of fun.

In late March I will be attending a ski camp in Åre. For just under one week, I get to see some of the exchange students again. Hopefully I will be skiing and I might be able to be taught how to snowboard by one of the other exchange students from Victoria.

Hope all is well.

( Here is the website where you can keep more up to date with what I’m doing: )
