Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ice skating.

Snowball fight.
Failed attempt.
It's hard to make snowballs with gloves on.
First time Ice-Skating
Ouch those shoes!
It hurts after a while.
Not a hug, just trying to steady me.
That was a hug.
Go Corinne!
Okay, try it now.
*Glare* Let's all glare at the showoff. Jks
Eyyyyy, Corinne sucks at Ice-Skating.
Going alright.
Still going well. Surprising, ey?
Woot Woot, Corinne's no. 1.
Gotta practice a bit more.
My skates.
'Lets try it on one foot now' 'Arghhhhh'
Yay, the tre skaters :)
Woah, almost fell.
Dammit, first fall.
It was very funny though.
Mamma helping me up.
The consequences of a snowball fight.
Soooo not fair.
Save me Mamma.
The skates come off finally, ouch!
Trying to stay up.
The showoff strikes again.
'Don't look down'
C'mon, c'mon
It's going well.
Yes, yes, yes *almost falls* DAMMIT
'Are you skating or what?'
'I was better on Wednesday!'

Not looking too bad.
Woah, woah.
Full pro.
Full amateur.
: P
Yay for hugs!
'Okay, like this.'
'Yay I'm doing it!'
*Almost falls*
*Almost face plants*
'I've had enough'
*Falls again*
*Getting up*
*Is hard work*
And just when you get up...
*Falls back down again*
This is a lot harder than it looks
Getting up is also very hard.
*Woah!* Don't fall.
(It was inevitable)
Getting up again.
*Epic fail*
'Okay, I'm getting up.'
'Okay, I'm up. Don't push me!'
*Looks pro as* (really isn't)
*Almot face plants again*
Time to get these skates off.